Tuesday, January 5, 2010

And so it begins..

So...I decided to jump on the bandwagon and explore this exciting new world of blogging! I've debated over this for many months if I wanted to fall into the deep hole of blog world...but the more I thought about it...the more it sounded like fun. This could be a place for me to share all my random thoughts and crazy moments in my life. And also to just share what is on this crazy mind of mine.

Yes...crazy I am...so, bear (bare?)...hmm...with me as I learn how this scary thing works...and get all this tangled up mess of thoughts in my brain in order so that I may start sharing some exciting things. :)

Hold onto your hats...because this could be an exciting, yet bumpy ride! Story of my life...*le sigh*

So, sit back, relax and enjoy this crazy thing called "Lizzie's Life."


  1. Hello, this is your dearest small grouper, Jordan and I would just like to say that I am pretty confused. Brittany told me that you had a blog sooo I looked it up and this came up and it has your picture and stuff except well I didn't know this was your name. So uhhh just ya know if this is really who I think it is hahaha (my small group leader) let me know! hahaha oh and by the way I have a blog also, it's www.jordanhallam.blogspot.com and I would become a follower of yours but I want to make sure you're who I really think you are. But I think it is cuz like it has your picture. hahaha ok I'm gonna stop rambling now.

  2. haha...Jordan you crack me up. Yes, this is my blog...I use that name so that if random people start following my blog, its more of a security thing. Thanks for checking out my blog! I'll for sure start following yours as well. :)

  3. hahaha ok that's what i figured but ya know justtt checkin (: love the background!!

  4. yeeppp...iiiiii'm a creeper (: and jordan, your comment kinda creeps me out...buuut anyways, the whole name thing was confusing me a lot! haha but its all good now! and i have a blog too! mine is brittanyjacquay.blogspot.com
    and now, i'm going to post this and become a follower of your blog. see you on sunday!

  5. You both crack me up. Thanks so much for following my blog! brittany...I'll go check yours out now! :) See you both Sunday!
